JS tricky to buy wooden floor which floor can not buy

The floor is an important building material in the decoration, but when it comes to floor purchases, consumers should pay attention to five types of floors that cannot be bought.

Holy Image Floor Coron Flooring

First, Li Guiban fake imitation brand name

The "Lee Ghost Board" takes the name, plagiarism, imitation, and whitewashing identity as the main means. They use the lack of professional consumers' ability to discern, deceive and injure consumers, and profit from them to disrupt the normal market order.

Second, Wei Wei plate formaldehyde is seriously exceeded

The adhesive substrate that should be selected for high-quality laminate flooring is melamine, and the price of the “stealth” substrate adhesive urea-aldehyde glue is only 1/7 of the price of melamine. "Wei Wei plate" due to the production of low technology, poor material base, the volatilization of formaldehyde and other harmful gases in its products seriously exceed the national limit standards.

Flooring purchase formaldehyde decoration

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