Solar cell efficiency can benefit from the dark side

A technical study can significantly improve the conversion efficiency of solar cells.

A team led by chemist Zhu Xiaoyang of the University of Texas has recently discovered that by using organic plastic semiconductor materials, the number of trapped electrons per photon in sunlight can be doubled.

Since the speed of solar energy hits the battery is too high, most of the energy is lost as heat, so the theoretical maximum efficiency of silicon solar cells is only 31%. Combined with the use of concentrators, hot electron capture capabilities can achieve efficiencies as high as 66%.

Zhu and his team have demonstrated that hot electrons can be captured by using semiconductor nanocrystals (also called quantum dots), but real implementation is challenging. Researchers have discovered that a photon produces a dark state of quantum shadowing, and they call it multi-electron.

Zhu said that more and more excited electrons will be the most effective sources of dual electrons. They can be captured by fullerene materials such as pentacene semiconductors. According to Wikipedia, fullerenes are molecules that are completely composed of carbon, while pentacene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon composed of linear benzene pentacycles.

"Plastic semiconductor solar cell products have many advantages. One of them is low cost," said Professor Zhu. "By combining molecular design and synthetic properties, we have opened the door to an exciting new approach. It leads." More efficient."

Zhu believes that this discovery can make the efficiency of solar cells leave the concentrator can also reach 44%, and his research results led him to believe that a conclusion "in the next 50 years there is no reason not to use 100% of the efficiency of solar power generation."

Zhu's research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.

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