Recognize the poor quality of the floor to buy the right flooring

The floor is the base material that every household must buy, and it is also the main material. Today we have to learn how to understand the strengthening of the floor, how to choose high-quality flooring, you may wish to learn it!

Fake and shoddy laminate flooring is usually made of domestically-made cheap decorative paper. The pattern of this decorative paper is vague. The biggest drawback is that it is generally not resistant to ultraviolet rays and will fade when exposed to sunlight. 2. Usually made of cheap decorative paper made in China. The decorative paper has a vague pattern. The biggest drawback is that it is generally not UV resistant and will fade when exposed to sunlight. Laminate flooring, originated in Europe, is a new type of flooring based on artificial wood. It can be divided into two major types: laminated wood flooring with medium and high density fiberboard as base material and laminated wood flooring with wood shavings as base material. class. Widely used in the family room, public places, conference halls, dance halls, hotels and other places of the ground laying.

Yamatake Comfort Flooring

Focus on the current floor market, fake and inferior laminate flooring presents the following five characteristics

1. Generally wear-resistant paper with alumina content of about 20g/m2 or no wear-resistant paper. Low-density boards, (very few are medium-density boards) wear-resistant rotations are usually between 100-3000 rpm. A maximum of one or two corners will be worn.

2. Usually made of cheap decorative paper made in China. The decorative paper has a vague pattern. The biggest drawback is that it is generally not UV resistant and will fade when exposed to sunlight. This is why some consumers have noticed the discoloration of the balcony and windows after the floor has been installed for three or four months.

Flooring Flooring Del flooring Nature Flooring Decoration Formaldehyde Heating Decorating Corporate Door Price Decoration Living Room Flooring Tiles Small Bedroom

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