Classification of wallpaper Wallpapers can be divided into natural wallpapers and fabric wallpapers. The natural wallpapers are made of natural materials such as sisal, canola, canola, cassia and bamboo. They have a strong rural atmosphere and a strong three-dimensional effect. They are suitable for paving in the living room. The textile wallpapers are silk, wool, cotton, and The hemp and other fibers are woven into a surface layer, which has good sound absorption effect, no static electricity and wear resistance, and is suitable for paving in the study room and bedroom. Wallpaper shopping è¯€çª When shopping for wallpapers, you need to master four-character tips, namely “see, touch, rub, smellâ€. Look, that is, to observe whether the wallpaper is color, dead folded, bubbles, whether the pattern is exquisite and layered, whether the color transition is natural, not accurate on the flower; touch, you need to touch the wallpaper with your hand, feel the solidity of the layer and thickness Whether it is the same; rub, is to use a slightly damp cloth to wipe the paper a little harder, if there is decolorization or delamination, the quality is not good; smell, smell the smell of the wallpaper is odor, if the smell is heavier, formaldehyde and other volatile substances may be more high. Determination of wallpaper usage Before buying, it is necessary to reasonably estimate the amount needed to buy wallpapers of the same lot at one time and avoid trouble. The amount of wallpaper can be calculated according to the following formula: wallpaper usage (volume) = room perimeter × room height × (100 + K) / area per roll. General standard wallpaper can be affixed to each roll of 5.2 square meters, "K" is the loss rate of the wallpaper, usually 3-10, large pattern or need to spend slightly higher on the wallpaper K value. Living room study decoration wallpaper room formaldehyde Pipe Drilling Machine,Tube Drilling Machine,Pipe Drilling Equipment,Tube Drilling Equipment Shandong EN FIN CNC Machinery Co., Ltd ,