Prevention and control of wheat soil-borne diseases

The soil-borne diseases of wheat mainly include wheat root rot, wheat sheath blight and wheat total etch. Because its pathogenesis is mainly concentrated in the roots and stem bases, it is relatively concealed, and the pathogens harm the underground part. The symptoms are reflected in the aboveground part. The symptoms of mild diseases in the seedling stage are not obvious. In severe cases, the seedlings appear dwarf, the leaves are light, and the bottom leaves are yellow. Like the lack of fertilizer and other symptoms, the people are not easy to detect, when the emergence of "white spikes" in the later period, this has brought certain difficulties to prevention and control. I have tried many times to summarize a set of methods to control the three diseases of wheat. :
Dressing with pesticides. The chemical dressing is simple and practical, easy to operate, good in effect and safe. The specific method is as follows: the whole etched disease of wheat is treated with 12.5% ​​of total etched net 20 ml, and the heavily ill field is used up to 30 ml. 20 ml of water to 500 ml of seed dressing, mix well and mix well with 10 kg of wheat seeds, mix well and simmer for 6 hours before seeding. Control wheat root rot and sheath blight. Use 25% powder rust WP to seed dressing at 0.1% of seed amount or 50% carbendazim at 0.2%-0.3% seed amount. Can be sown.
Strengthen cultivation management to promote healthy wheat growth. Use reasonable fertilizer and water measures, apply more base fertilizer, play the role of organic fertilizer to prevent disease, and the manure with diseased body should be fully decomposed. Rational application of chemical fertilizers, avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Wheat root rot occurs in a serious plot, paying attention to zinc supplementation. Pay attention to the ventilation and light transmission in the field, avoid the dampness and shade, and create the conditions for the development of unfavorable diseases.
Early spring prevention. Wheat tiller, jointing period with 50% carbendazim WP 300-500 times or 15% powder rust WP 80-100 grams of water 50 kg unplug the nozzle root.
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