What are the benefits of buying a staircase to choose a solid wood staircase?

Split floors, duplexes, lofts, and other kinds of homes are inseparable from the stairs. In addition to connecting the upper and lower spaces, the stairs can also play a more important role, such as storage, partitions or even decorations. It has a variety of shapes and materials, the choice depends on whether they pay more attention to the appearance or more emphasis on safety and practical. The arbitrary choice of a staircase must be based on harmony, and whether or not the ratio between the stairs and the furniture space should be coordinated.

There are various styles of stairs on the market, and the materials are constantly changing. It is not necessary to dazzle the pursuit of new trends. Finding the right kind of stairs is the most affordable. The solid wood staircase is the one with the largest market share. The solid wood staircase can be matched with whether it is a Chinese-style room or a Western-style room. The solid wood staircase can be purchased with the need to pay attention to the matching of the staircase floor and the floor size. Of course, it does not mean that you can choose a solid wood staircase. Qijia reminds consumers to choose the stairs and compare them with the following seven aspects. Only comparing them can you know the pros and cons.

Each staircase is still designed

1, the noise is small

Stairs should not only be strong, safe, and beautiful, but should not emit excessive noise during use. The “click” sounds on the stairs are often terrible, especially in the dead of night, when the stairs are noisy. There is a relationship between the material of the pedal and the overall design, and it is also related to the connection between the various components. From the aspect of its material quality, the soundproofing effect of wood products is the most significant in the solid wood staircase, and the sound generated by stepping is also smaller than the sound produced by steel stairs and cement stairs.

2, whether the use of environmentally friendly materials

Just as furniture is made of materials, the staircase “furniture” is also composed of “materials”. This point is easily overlooked, reminding everyone to choose the style of the stairs, but also concerned about whether it is composed of environmentally friendly materials, the production process is environmentally friendly, do not let the stairs emit volatile chemicals harmful to humans. Solid wood stairs, especially log stairs, are the most environmentally friendly. Wooden furniture has a long history in China. Many of the well-preserved halls are wooden structures. Historically proven wood products are the longest and most environmentally friendly, and they are also most beneficial to human life.

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