Did you know the small details of summer decoration?

Although the summer is more suitable for decoration than winter, Shanghai's Huang Meitian did not give us a little trouble with the tedious decoration. In order to make the home decoration less regret, in the hot and rainy summer decoration, what aspects need our special attention?

Flanner sofa

Three disciplines on site management

1. Summer temperatures are high, and the weather is dry. The material on the construction site should be placed in a cool place as much as possible, and keep a certain distance from the live tools to reduce the hidden dangers of accidents.

2. Do not leave plates and wood in rooms where direct sunlight is possible. Exposure to sunlight will accelerate the aging of wood products, paints, and adhesives.

3, summer air humidity, cement solidification speed is slow, paving the floor tiles can not be stamped on the above, need to set up a springboard access.

Eight construction projects

1, circuit transformation should pay attention to the copper wire exposed outside the wire wrapped, in order to prevent short-circuit after the cable is wet. Especially in places such as balconies that are easily wetted by rain, and wires that surround wood products such as wooden keels and large core boards that are prone to moisture.

2. It is rainy in summer. After the material of the veneer panel enters the site, it is necessary to first seal the bottom oil to control the absorption of moisture, so that the shrinkage and cracking of the plate can be avoided when the season is changed.

3, construction of the rainy season should pay attention to prevent moisture deformation of wood products. It is better to use a heavy object to flatten the pressure for three days or so after the wooden doors and windows are formed, so that the structure of the doors and windows is more stable, and then paint is applied.

4, rainy day paving tiles, it is best to cover the surface of the cement kraft paper or plastic cloth, storage should also be kept away from water, to prevent the cement damp or wet after the block.

Summer decoration knowledge Three trees paint entrance decoration paint cement window interior decoration room floor tile function sofa bed cloth sofa door function sofa

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